Generation.Africa Digital
“Generation.Africa” is theme created by DotConnectAfrica to empower the youth to adapt the powers of the internet and its uses .
The group “”, is young digital multifaceted individuals in Africa and the diaspora who believe in what DotConnectAfrica is doing to give Africa a digital identity on the web and move the continent forward. It represents a youth focused program launched by DCA to empower a new generation of Internet users in Africa using its theme. It is intended to target different youth audiences and encourage them to be involved in discussions that define and increase their common stake-holding in the development and evolution of the Internet and how this affects them.
The opportunity of branding the African continent though empowering and enabling youth to be able to utilize the benefits of the internet potential is immensely significant towards the realization of a common market for business throuhg dotafrica as the platform.
DotAfrica, will provide individuals and companies with African based business the opportunity to identify themselves to a particular region, creating a sense of cohesion for companies operating in more than one state. Kirui said “instead of having several web pages with different domains why not have one,”.
As part of volunteer, you will be involved in, discussing marketing and internet strategies, organizing events, networking with key figures in your country as well as all over Africa through the network and building and rallying for support for the ‘Yes2dotafrica campaign’ within Africa. Read More:
Generation.Africa at ICANN 42 Dakar Senegal in Senegal Dakar
Generation.Africa at Tandaa Symposium on their high at the 6th IGF held in Nairobi, Kenya

Presenting Generation at Universities in Mauritius

More Reading
- GenerationdotAfrica on their High at the IGF Nairobi
- Its time for Africa by GenerationDotAfrica
- hailed “YestodotAfrica” at DCA HeadQuarters in Mauritius.
- “YestoDotAfrica” campaign announced in Tripoli’s Diaspora Conference
- GenerationdotAfrica thanks ICANN and DCA
- GenerationdotAfrica Spoke at Tandaa Symposium
- DotConnectAfrica we have kept our promise
- DotConnecctAfrica -Our Score Card, The Journey Continues