November 26, 2011
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November 26, 2011
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November 24, 2011
14 November 2011 La 42e réunion international de l’ Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) s’est tenue à Dakar, Senegal. La réunion a été accueillie par le Gouvernement du Senegal et a été très suivie par les représentants… Continue Reading…
November 24, 2011
L’Organisation DotconnectAfrica (DCA) a assisté à la réunion d’experts et la Conférence ministérielle africaine de la Table-ronde qui a eu lieu du 19 au 23 Octobre 2011 à Dakar pour le «Programme Afrique de l’ICANN en tant qu’observateur, et tient… Continue Reading…
November 24, 2011
DCA a assisté à la récente réunion AfrICANN qui a été convoquée le mardi 25 Octobre 2011 par la Task Force de l’UA sur DotAfrica pour discuter des propositions sur DotAfrica et formuler une stratégie de soumission sur le DotAfrica… Continue Reading…
September 12, 2022
DCA Commentaire exclusif: ComputerWorld Kenya Re: ” l’engagement de l’ICANN à l’Afrique porte des fruits” “ Il n’y pas avait d’unanimité concernant l’adoption de la resolution pour obtenir DotAfrica inclus dans la liste des noms reservés du Top… Continue Reading…
November 23, 2011
African Union Briefing Note on DotAfrica The earlier ‘Briefing Note on DotAfrica’ that was issued by the African Union Infrastructure & Energy Department dated, May 2011, was very unequivocal in its assertion that the AU will apply to ICANN to… Continue Reading…
November 23, 2011
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November 20, 2011
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November 18, 2011
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November 18, 2011
Editor-in-Chief Computerworld Kenya Our attention has been drawn to the recent article written by Rebecca Wanjiku: “ICANN engagement in Africa bears fruit” published in the on-line edition ofComputerworld Kenya. A close reading of the article conveys the impression that:… Continue Reading…
November 17, 2011
“We want to achieve a Gold Standard in terms of conflicts and ethics practices,” said Mr. Steve Crocker, Chair of the ICANN Board. “Specifically we are working on a system which will lay out how Directors interested in specific new generic Top Level… Continue Reading…
January 18, 2024
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November 14, 2011
The 42nd international meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) took place in Dakar, Senegal, at the Le Meridien President hotel. The meeting was hosted by the Government of the Republic of Senegal and was well-attended… Continue Reading…
February 4, 2022
Sophia Bekele putting forward a statement to the ICANN Board on the issue of reserved names .africa, .afrique .afriqya. requested by African Union Commision (AUC) in Dakar Senegal. Ms. Sophia Bekele said “We believe that the DotAfrica issue is a… Continue Reading…
November 10, 2011
DotConnectAfrica Exhibition at ICANN 42 Dakar , Senegal: DCA had displayed an important exhibition of its Yes2DotAfrica Campaign and used it to further communicate its DotAfrica vision to visitors of the Exhibition and other delegations that attended the meeting. It… Continue Reading…
November 9, 2011
See Special TV Report on video (RIGHT): DCA Defends its Opposition to the Experts Meeting Agenda of the DotAfrica Task Force at the African Ministerial Round-Table. The Experts Meeting of the African Ministerial Round-Table took place in Dakar, Senegal from… Continue Reading…
January 3, 2024
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November 7, 2011
Dakar hosted another historic ICANN meeting, following the formal approval of the new generic Top Level Domains Program by the ICANN Board during the “ICANN Oscars” in Singapore in June 2011, in particular for Africa The ICANN-42 International Meeting was… Continue Reading…
November 7, 2011
It’s approximately 2 months to go before the grand application process for the new gTLDs begins, ICANN the international internet body made a revolutionary announcement in June that is going to change the entire internet namespace. With the current 21… Continue Reading…
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