Open-source vulnerabilities


Open-Source Vulnerabilities

Open-source vulnerabilities are security risks contained within or created by open-source components. These vulnerabilities can stem from a variety of sources, including poorly written code, and a lack of security functionalities.

Proprietary software involves a central design by an organization that standardizes its process for new additions and fixes. Open-source is a bit more chaotic, with contributors adding new features and improving the software all the time.

This lack of central control gives plenty of opportunities for attackers to find gaps and vulnerabilities. The fast pace of development, driven by DevOps methodologies, implies that developers will sometimes use open-source code from free repositories without properly checking that they are not inserting vulnerabilities into the project.

The main problem with open-source software is that because of its distributed nature, a vulnerability can remain undetected for a long time. In turn, an attacker exploiting it can hide for an extended period.

The best way to ensure we are one step ahead of the risks, without missing a beat, is to incorporate automated tools that continuously track our open-source usage.

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