DotConnectAfrica Comments to the Draft African Union Convention on the Establishment of A Credible Legal Framework For Cyber Security In Africa October 2013
September 19, 2022
DotConnectAfrica is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that has its base of operation in Nairobi, Kenya and headquartered in I/F River Court 6th Denis Street Port Louis, Mauritius, Africa, is a millennial organization that has the African Vision embedded in its inception and looks to create a continental domain and registry that will not only revolutionize but also create a platform that will nurture all other facets of African socio-economic development.
DotConnectAfrica appreciates the subtle efforts that are being made daily by the governments in partnership with private organizations to better the internet technology platform as a means of bridging the digital divide and as such has participated in several similar processes such as the improvement of the International telecommunications Regulations that were being discussed in December 2012 at the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The Draft Convention should lay a background for the African states to review their legislations on cyber security. ICT is becoming a key element and player in the development of a nation and more importantly day to day running of institutional mandates.
Businesses play a key role in deriving and generating revenue that is used to run governmental affairs, this affects how tax regimes and systems must be properly instituted to match the changing commercial sector that is increasingly dependent on ICT and most importantly mobile online transactions.
Africa is growing into this important technology, ICT comes with several critical issues that must be addressed for proper operations that can curb issues such as cyber crime that includes fraud, impersonation, spam among many others.
Interventions that are of a continental or global levels that require signing of such conventions must be properly drafted and understood by all the stakeholders, this includes the governments, businesses, academia and citizens, this will provide a harmonized treaty that will at least not overlook critical existing individual government legislations nor contradict them.
Electronic commerce organization, personal data protection, cyber security promotion and cyber crime control are the most important factors of the online economy and while it’s critical to create harmonized continental legislation it’s important that the personal data and privacy is protected as the bottom line.
DotConnectAfrica has been spearheading the proposed new Top Level Domain (TLD) .africa (DotAfrica) Initiative since 2006. And has placed an application for DotAfrica to the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a US-based institution that is at the apex of Global Internet Governance.
We believe that multistakeholder discussions will help create the best legislations for the governments as well as continent and globally.
See the comments here
Link to the Draft Convention here
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