The DotConnectAfrica Group proudly congratulates “DotConnectAfrica Digital Academy” on receiving the esteemed “Best Digital Education Award” from the CEO Today Africa Awards

“Corporate philanthropy has always been important to me since the start of my entrepreneurship. All my start-ups have had a portfolio of social impact.”
-Sophia Bekele
At end of July 2022, The CEO Today released its finalist and winners of this year’s Africa Awards. Included in the edition was DotConnectAfrica (DCA), as the “Best Digital Education in Africa”.
This is the second year that the CEO Today Awards featured our CEO and Founder, Sophia Bekele, and her work at DCA Group in their “special edition” of winners.
The 2021 CEO Today featured and honored Sophia Bekele for her “exceptional business leadership and growth.” Read here the 2021 Edition
To read the eBook for featured winners and finalists for the 2022 CEO Today Africa Awards click here 
In accepting this meritorious award on behalf of DCA Academy, Sophia said:
“The Best Digital Education Award is a recognition of all our efforts for the past decade to educate the African public on the advantages of using the Internet as a learning tool as well as to promote their brand using various digital platforms, and make their voices heard.
In addition, our Corporate Boot Camp and capacity-building programs prepare young people for the robust job market.
The award is pivotal to all DCA Academy-sponsored programs and we thank CEO Today for recognizing our work.
. We also raise our hats to all our supporters who have been there with us throughout our journey, as this would never have been achieved
by a single organization.
CEO Today Africa Awards Trophy
The Special edition of the 2022 Award stated
“Though the past two years have seen extreme new challenges posed to the African business world, the efforts of many leaders and innovators have helped to smooth the way towards
creating new value and a better quality of life for all.
Time and again,
these economic pioneers have demonstrated their commitment to their organizations and their countries,
paving a new way for business to thrive in the modern era”
– CEO Today
“Despite the decade old .Africa challenge,
DCA Trust managed to successfully and innovatively deliver on its educational commitment to Africa by further pioneering “impact programs” through
the DCA Digital Academy!.”
-Sophia to CEO Today Awards.

During an interview with the Editor for the CEO Today Africa Award, Sophia discusses how her jour
ney for DCA started with pioneering the .Africa Internet domain name for Africa and ch
ampioned it through government endorsements and the highly acclaimed Yes2dotAfrica campaign.
She then informed, CEO Today that despite the decade old .Africa challenge, that DCA Trust also managed to successfully and innovatively deliver on its educational commitment to Africa
by further pioneering “impact programs” for women and youth.
Sophia explained in detail what these “impact programs” are and how they are achieved under the umbrella of the DCA Digital Academy.
She also responded to questions on what challenges she and her colleagues had overcome during this period and the triumphs they are proud of achieving.
The work of DotConnectAfrica has been exemplary to many in Africa and globally
Our founder and pioneer of these impact programs Sophia Bekele has been invited to speak and present DCA’s work across the world on International fora, including many United Nation platforms on how she has pioneered and successfully run the women and youth digital technology empowerment programs.
DCA is proud to have “paved the way” as our programs have been globally emulated and/or adapted with similar or same model since.
Read here for our 2016 Newsletter on #DCAPavingTheWay and #YearOfTheWomen to recall a glimpse of how we did it.

Above: Mar 2015: Sophia presenting the Miss.Africa Statue Award at the inaugural 2015 Grand Prize winner of “Miss.Africa Digital” seed-fund award, eMobilies Kenya, where the 25 women who benefited from fully funded training on mobile Apps. The Miss.Africa Digital currently branded as “FemPower” is a gender-focused Women-in-Tech program incepted in 2008 in Singapore and launched in Africa in 2009, focused under #STEM4girls.
Below: Feb 2022: Sophia invited to speak at the Africa Union Mission, Washington DC, USA, on how “Digital Technology and Innovations positively impact the youth” with the aim of building “The Africa We Want.”
The DCA Digital Academy is an organization run by DotConnectAfrica (DCA) Trust based in Mauritius. DCA Trust is the CSR arm of the DCA Group, a non-profit formed to advance education in the digital economy in Africa. Related to this was branding Africa on the internet through the top-level domain “.Africa”.
DCA Academy’s objective is to advance education in information technology in African society with a vision of building a world of well digitally skilled and innovative tech-oriented professionals.
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