Progress towards a “.africa” at ICANN 38 , in Brussels the Capital of Europe
August 3, 2010
Brussles ICANN 38: Brussels, the capital of the European Union (EU), a 27 member organization along with dotEU were host to the 38th meeting of ICANN.
Amongst the new gTLDs present at the conference was DotConnectAfrica promoting “.africa”, domain whose main accomplishment included:
- Sponsorship:DCA was one of ICANN event sponsors, the first African TLD to sponsor an ICANN International conference, which allowed it to also promote the work it has done in Africa for the “africa” TLD to the international community.
- Presenting an African common position for ICANN support for new gTLDs – DCA also sponsored a delegation from Africa to shape the policy debate, in support of the community based gTLD initiatives.
Other notable remarks included ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom’s opening statement which clarified government’s position in managing domain names.Another big announcements at ICANN was the approving of the “.XXX” string which has been contested for years and also Chinese IDNs.
Read Press Release Progress towards a “.africa” at ICANN 38, in Brussels the Capital of Europe
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