
Hey, You Have Come a Long Way

Who runs the world?  Girls! Yaas Queens, We run the world! We make ends meet,  handle an insane amount of stress and still, we are persistently strong. Here at Fempower, we would love to appreciate all the strong women out… Continue Reading…


Sophia Bekele Honored with Illustrious Awards Across Multiple Continents

DotConnectAfrica Group proudly congratulates ourFounder and CEO, also of US-based CBSegroup for being an Honoree ofSilicon Valley’s Women of Influence (WOI) Award andthe CEO Today Africa AwardsThe month of June was full of surprises and celebrations about our Founder and CEO receiving multiple… Continue Reading…



This month of May is for Mothers. On the 9th just yesterday, we celebrated International Mothers Day. The world came together and celebrated the supreme sacrifices made by mothers, and the impact of mothers on society. Mothers have always been… Continue Reading…


DCA Digital Digest

Curated Tech News, Innovations and InsightsHow Big Data is shaping our daily lives through social media. The increasingly digitised world has meant each and every device in our home is, or soon will be, connected to the Internet of Things… Continue Reading…


Sophia Bekele’s message on International Women’s Month of March.

DotConnectAfrica (DCA) Group joins the rest of the world in celebrating women of all races, cultures, religion and statuses during March 2021. This year, the United Nation’s theme for International Women’s Day of March 8th is “Women in leadership: Achieving… Continue Reading…


DCA has the pleasure of joining the rest of the world to celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

DCA has the pleasure of joining the rest of the world to celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The world needs science, and science needs women. This is another opportunity to commit to ending the stereotypes, gender… Continue Reading…


Heeeey, Guess what is back? (Drumrolls…….) The FemPower Newsletter.

Heeeey, Guess what is back? (Drumrolls…….) The FemPower Newsletter. As usual, we come bearing amazing reads for you. As you know, every February, we join the United States in celebrating a special holiday. And no, I’m not talking about Valentine’s… Continue Reading…


DCA Digital Digest: Curated Tech News, Innovations and Insights.

DCA Digital Digest: Curated Tech News, Innovations and Insights. Why artificial intelligence will address the problems of water efficiency in agriculture Precision agriculture and the AI revolution The importance of reducing water use is of paramount importance, particularly as agriculture… Continue Reading…


Welcome 2021: A year of Healing and Hope.

I hope your new year is off to a good start. This new year, as we continue to hold the torch of hope aloft, we must think of ways to build our lives and those around us in an era… Continue Reading…


Thank you for being there with us in 2020!

As the year comes to a close, I would like to express my gratitude for your continued trust and loyalty to DotConnectAfrica Group! Whilst we’ve all faced unprecedented challenges this year that we never imagined, these times have underscored the… Continue Reading…



WATCH: MUST SEE “WHAT WOMEN WANT” SERIES – AN EXCLUSIVE ROUNDTABLE CONVERSATION ON WOMEN BANKERS FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS: A POST 2020 STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS Greetings We hope this message finds you well and healthy! DCA virtual WebForum invites you to… Continue Reading…


Not today, Imposter Syndrome!

What’s up Techie Squad? As we step into the final months of 2020, it’s proven to be a special month and a special time to be a woman in Africa. Lets be honest, women have been winning a lot lately!… Continue Reading…


DCA Digital Digest: Curated COVID-19 News, Innovations and Insights.

From a global pandemic to global warming, 2020 has illuminated the essential role of science — as well as clear actions based on that science — to combat some of the greatest challenges of our time. The need to rethink… Continue Reading…


Winners of COVID-19 eHealth Innovation Essay Writing Competition Announced

Greetings! DCA Digital Academy is honored to announce the winners of its 2020 eHealth Innovation Essay Writing Competition Award. The essay writing competition was created for university students to participate and use this special #StayAtHome moments and apply their creative… Continue Reading…


DCA Digital Digest: Curated COVID-19 News, Innovations and Insights.

Children are increasingly being exposed to, and using, technology from a very young age. This has never been more true than in 2020 when the vast majority of children worldwide have used online resources to access educational resources and communicate… Continue Reading…


Are you doing the most? Make 2020 count.

This year has been a whirlwind, but we’re moving forward with a little aggression. We love to see more women shattering glass ceilings and grabbing the world by the lapels. As we try to make the most of what is… Continue Reading…



Watch: Must See Video on Exclusive Conversation on Governance and Human Rights in Africa in the Era of COVID-19

We hope this message finds you well and healthy! DCA virtual WebForum invites you to a full video and audio recording of our exclusive and insightful Executive Roundtable conversation on the topic of “Governance and Human Rights in the Era… Continue Reading…



Dear Young Woman, It’s okay to shine

7 Ways to Find Out What You Really Want in Life “I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.” My friend’s father used to say that all the time. He was in his mid-40s.  … Continue Reading…


COVID-19 eHealth Innovation Essay Writing Competition

DCA Digital Academy Calls for eHealth Innovation Essay Writing Competition Award Almost overnight, remote work has become the new norm, the mainstream. Companies, schools and other institutions around the world are encouraging their staff, students to work from home to… Continue Reading…

DCA WebForum Series 3 Executive Roundtable The Impact of COVID-19 on SME Financing in Africa


You’re Invited: The Impact of COVID-19 on SME Financing in Africa

We hope this message finds you well and healthy! We are pleased to invite you to a full video and audio recording of our exclusive and insightful Executive Roundtable conversation, with Top Industry and Business Leaders and Representatives of SMEs… Continue Reading…

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